$80.00 USD

Advanced Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi

Elevate your weekly practice learning the nuances of each Guang Ping Yang Taijiquan posture!

This class is for those who are seeking movement with meaning. These postures are rooted in an oracle rich with guidance in maintaining a balanced life. We embody that guidance physically through the practice of taiji, as we let the lessons move into the rest of our lives balancing out difficult life experiences we all move through simply being humans.

I hope you join me, begin your daily practice, and enjoy the richness of this phenomenal art.


Guang Ping Yang Taijiquan
Wednesdays & Fridays
July 17 - September 6

12:30-1:00 pm EST
16 Classes - $80

20% Discount for SWL Membership holders


What you'll also learn:

  • Put taiji principles into action
  • Personalized Body Mechanics 
  • Understanding the application behind the movement

Allowing the form to fit your body and structure is vital to creating a song (relaxed) body and building ting jing (proprioception, interoception, and exteroception). Our practice together will take the many gifts of tai chi and melt them into our lives to encourage balance, peace, and healthful longevity.

These classes are recorded so you can view them again at your leisure. They'll be available for 3 months online, but you may also download them to keep!