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A Practice - For New Beginnings!

Jan 01, 2020

Happy New Year! This is a practice I like to do before any transition. And a New Year is definitely a transition.

The main key is to drop into noticing without analyzing. Without searching for an answer or trying to create one. Trust what bubbles up and put it down on paper.

You'll need:

  • paper, cardboard, an old cereal box, something to create upon
  • paints, crayons, images from magazines, colored pencils
  • pen (or pencil) and paper 

Remember, these kinds of practices are just like taiji. They have a form, but the flow within should always move naturally. Let go and allow the natural current to lead you.

Let me know what you come up with!


Try this quick video

Tell us where to send the link and then try this gentle movement during a quiet moment you carve out for yourself.