Join our free online community and deepen your Qigong, Taiji, Meditation practices

Life in Balance

Release the tension. Quiet the mind. Ease your emotions.
Live from your center.

Create space for your spirit to thrive

Have you felt this way:

  • your job or to-do list is the center of your life
  • you have no feeling of purpose or that you've lost a lot of the joy you used to feel
  • your spark and curiosity are missing
  • you feel over or under emotional and have a lack of emotional connection
  • you feel chronic tension in places and flaccidity in others
  • you are tired, irritated, and done

I felt all of this. 

And you can read more of my story here

But even better, I'd love you to try the practice of Taiji and see if you notice your own shift.

Here's how this practice drops you right into the center of your life. Try this movement with me. Notice the subtle shift that takes place. If you can do it in this short video, you can do it in the rest of your life.

Upcoming Workshops and Special Classes


Shift will be offering a Taiji (Tai Chi) For Balance: Level 1 teacher training program specifically to develop and strengthen balance for people who are really struggling with balance, who have experienced a fall or have a fear of falling.

This is a simple, 8-movement modified Guang Ping Yang form designed specifically to develop strength, stability, and relaxation (which reduces fear) for building balance.

The training is thorough and demanding. It will be a full weekend of work: training, teaching, and learning! And, in the nature of tai chi, fun!

Prior to the training, you will receive:
1. Access to the online modules - over 60 recordings including everything you'll need to know and practice: Movements, Meditation, Warmups, How to Teach Taiji Effectively, Why and How People Fall.

2. A manual of information about balance, tai chi, the warmups, cool downs, movements, and teaching certain populations.

Register by September 10th, 2024

Saturday and Sunday
September 14 & 15


The work we do to transform our lives cannot be done alone in isolation. We are rich resources that can learn, rely and share with each other. This is what the SWL Community is all about.

This is a free-access online place to explore taiji (Tai Chi), qigong, meditation, and a special place for teachers.

I hope you join me there.



I am now able to offer a monthly membership to all of my online courses!

Try it for free for 30 days! You won't be charged unless you stay with us.

With a monthly membership you'll have 24/7 access to Taiji For Balance - Levels 1 and 2; Baduanjin Qigong; Meditation, Select Workshops Recordings, and future courses! 



My name is Lucy. And over 25 years ago, Taiji saved my life.

It shifted my perspective and brought awareness, clarity, and love. I am forever grateful.

I now teach these practices to anyone longing for genuine openness, ease, and a fulfilling life.

My guided meditations, easy to follow videos, understandable philosophy will gently shift you away from anger and guilt, releasing behavior that no longer serves you.

Taiji For Balance: Learn More

“Lucy Bartimole changed my life. I initially came to Shift to work with Lucy for the physical benefits of tai chi, specifically balance and strength - both of which have increased over the past 3 years. However, along the way, I really began to learn and appreciate the other aspects of tai chi, specifically the mental and emotional aspects of tai chi. Learning how to pay attention to my breathing and listening my body has brought me mindfulness, an ability to choose to react (or not), and a sense of peace and connectedness to the world.”

-Mary Jo Burkhardt

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Try this quick video

Tell us where to send the link and then try this gentle movement during a quiet moment you carve out for yourself.